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D&B Audiotechnik 40D zosilňovač

• Štvorkanálový zosilňovač určený na inštaláciu
• Maximálny výstupný výkon
• 4 x 2400/2000 W do 4/8 Ω
• Monitorovací displej, farebný dotykový TFT displej, 4,3" / 480 x 272 pixelov
• 12 konfigurovateľných GPIO (8x GPI, 4x GPO)

kat.č. výrobku Z2830

Zosilňovač 2 RU 40D poskytuje potrebný výkon pre účely inštalácie,zatiaľ čo výkonné spracovanie signálu rozširuje úroveň palubných funkcií. Zariadenie obsahuje rozšírené funkcie správy vstupu so samostatným ovládaním zosilnenia vstupu pre každý vstupný kanál, všeobecné vstupy/výstupy (GPIO) a konektor General Fault. Vylepšené funkcie monitorovania stavu systému, ako je monitorovanie vstupu a zaťaženia zaisťujú vhodnosť v núdzovej situácii. Používateľské rozhranie zosilňovača pozostáva z 4,3" farebnej dotykovej obrazovky poskytujúcej komplexné informácie o konfigurácii zariadenia a rozšírené monitorovanie stavu. DSP integrovaný v 40D zahŕňa komplexnú správu reproduktorov, prepínateľné funkcie filtrovania ako aj užívateľsky definovateľné možnosti ...ekvalizácie a oneskorenia. Ekvalizér obsahuje dve nezávislé 16-pásmové EQ skupiny v rámci každého kanála poskytujúce rôzne parametrické a asymetrické filtre ako aj grafický EQ (prostredníctvom softvéru d&b R1 Remote control). Schopnosť oneskorenia pokrýva rozsah až 10 s. K dispozícii sú všetky funkcie špecifické pre reproduktory, ako sú CUT, HFA, HFC, THC alebo CPL. DSP jednotka zosilňovača má pevnú latenciu 0,3 ms. 40D je prístupný cez sieť d&b Remote cez Ethernet pomocou protokolu Open Control Architecture (AES70 / OCA). 40D sa ovláda pomocou integrovaného webového rozhrania, ktoré umožňuje prístup cez prehliadač, alebo pomocou softvéru d&b R1 Remote control. Pre použiteľné reproduktory umožňuje d&b LoadMatch zosilňovaču 40D elektricky kompenzovať vlastnosti kábla použitého na pripojenie reproduktorov k výstupu zosilňovača. Táto funkcia, ktorá pokrýva šírku pásma až do 20 kHz, zachováva vyváženie tónov pri použití káblov s dĺžkou až 70 m (230 stôp). Vďaka svojmu dizajnu LoadMatch nevyžaduje ďalšie káble


40D zosilňovač
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The 2 RU 40D amplifier provides the power density required for installation purposes while the powerful signal processing extends the level of functionality of the on-board features.
This device contains extended input management functionalities with separate Input Gain control for each input channel, General Purpose Inputs/Outputs (GPIO) and a General Fault connector. Enhanced system status monitoring functions such as Input and Load monitoring ensure suitability in an emergency situation.
The user interface of the amplifier consists a 4.3" color touchscreen providing comprehensive information of the device configuration and enhanced status monitoring.
The DSP integrated within the 40D incorporates comprehensive loudspeaker management, switchable filtering functions as well as user definable equalization and delay capabilities. The user defineable equalizer features two independent 16-band EQ groups within each channel, providing parametric, notch, shelving and asymmetric filters as well as a graphic EQ (via the d&b R1 Remote control software). The delay capability covers a range of up to 10 s. All loudspeaker specific functions such as CUT, HFA, HFC, THC or CPL are available. The DSP unit of the amplifier has a fixed latency of 0.3 ms.
The 40D is accessible via the d&b Remote network via Ethernet using the Open Control Architecture protocol (AES70 / OCA). The 40D is controlled using the integrated web interface, which enables access via a browser, or using the d&b R1 Remote control software.
For applicable loudspeakers, d&b LoadMatch enables the 40D amplifier to electrically compensate for the properties of the cable used to connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier output. This function which covers a bandwidth of up to 20 kHz preserves the tonal balance when cable lengths of up to 70 m (230 ft) are used.
Due to its design LoadMatch does not require additional wires and is therefore applicable with any connector type used. To provide optimum compensation, cable length and crosssectional data as well as the number of loudspeakers connected to the amplifier channel can be entered on the amplifier....The 2 RU 40D amplifier provides the power density required for installation purposes while the powerful signal processing extends the level of functionality of the on-board features.
This device contains extended input management functionalities with separate Input Gain control for each input channel, General Purpose Inputs/Outputs (GPIO) and a General Fault connector. Enhanced system status monitoring functions such as Input and Load monitoring ensure suitability in an emergency situation.
The user interface of the amplifier consists a 4.3" color touchscreen providing comprehensive information of the device configuration and enhanced status monitoring.
The DSP integrated within the 40D incorporates comprehensive loudspeaker management, switchable filtering functions as well as user definable equalization and delay capabilities. The user defineable equalizer features two independent 16-band EQ groups within each channel, providing parametric, notch, shelving and asymmetric filters as well as a graphic EQ (via the d&b R1 Remote control software). The delay capability covers a range of up to 10 s. All loudspeaker specific functions such as CUT, HFA, HFC, THC or CPL are available. The DSP unit of the amplifier has a fixed latency of 0.3 ms.
The 40D is accessible via the d&b Remote network via Ethernet using the Open Control Architecture protocol (AES70 / OCA). The 40D is controlled using the integrated web interface, which enables access via a browser, or using the d&b R1 Remote control software.
For applicable loudspeakers, d&b LoadMatch enables the 40D amplifier to electrically compensate for the properties of the cable used to connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier output. This function which covers a bandwidth of up to 20 kHz preserves the tonal balance when cable lengths of up to 70 m (230 ft) are used.
Due to its design LoadMatch does not require additional wires and is therefore applicable with any connector type used. To provide optimum compensation, cable length and crosssectional data as well as the number of loudspeakers connected to the amplifier channel can be entered on the amplifier.