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Perfektný wash, úžasný lúč, veľkolepé grafické efekty

A.leda B-EYE K20 je vysokovýkonné wash svetlo, úchvatné beam svetlo a tvorca úplne nových veľkolepých vizuálnych efektov. Jeho bezkonkurenčná všestrannosť z neho robí mimoriadne zaujímavý kreatívny nástroj pre všetkých dizajnérov osvetlenia.
B-EYE je predovšetkým vysokokvalitné wash svetlo. Je schopné pokrývať povrchy farbami na akúkoľvek vzdialenosť, čím maximálne využíva svoj svetelný zdroj. B-EYE je jasnejšia ako ktorákoľvek LED dióda s rovnakým menovitým výkonom, a to vďaka špeciálnej optickej jednotke so skutočne úžasným pomerom lumen/watt, ktorú navrhol a vyrobil Clay Paky. Zoom sa pohybuje od 4° do 60° a je preto vhodný ako do prostredia s nízkymi stropmi (napríklad malé divadlá a televízne štúdiá), kde sú veľké uhly mimoriadne užitočné, tak aj pre predstavenia v arénach alebo veľkých prostrediach, kde je zoom je perfektný.
Keď sa lúč B-EYE priblíži na 4°, svetlo „wash“ sa zmení na svietidlo „beam“. B-EYE sa tak stáva prekvapivým ...svetlom s paralelným efektom vo vzduchu, schopným generovať pulzujúci lúč mikrolúčov, ktoré možno ovládať individuálne, pričom každý má svoje vlastné farby a odtiene. Všetky parametre každej LED je možné úplne ovládať.
A nakoniec, B-EYE K20 predstavuje úplne novú funkciu: prednú šošovku možno otáčať, aby sa vytvorilo množstvo malých jasných kompozícií, ktoré možno otvárať a zatvárať ako okvetné lístky. Pridaním farieb a dynamickej grafiky vytvára B-EYE dovtedy nevídané grafické svetelné efekty.

• Typ zdroja: RGBW LED
• Nominálny výkon LED: 15W
• Počet LED diód: 37
• Všestranné, tri prevádzkové režimy: wash, beam, efekt FX
• Jedinečný optický systém s bezkonkurenčným rozsahom zoomu (4°-60°) a rovnomerným rozptylom svetla
• Individuálne LED ovládanie pre každý parameter
• Neviditeľná predná mriežka
• Ovládanie zmäkčenia okrajov lúča (v režime prania)
• Exkluzívny paralelný lúč pozostávajúci z radu individuálne ovládateľných mikrolúčov
• Vylepšený elektronický motor pre dynamický dizajn lúča s digitálnou presnosťou a opakovateľnosťou
• Art-Net / RDM
• Otočná predná šošovka pre nespočetné množstvo vírivých efektov, na použitie pri leteckej alebo „kaleidoskopickej“ projekcii
• Biela emulácia CT 2500-8000K
• Automatické ladenie RGB na emuláciu CT lampy
• Emulácia volfrámovej lampy


A.leda B-EYE K20
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Perfect Wash, Amazing Beam, Spectacular Graphic Effects

The A.leda B-EYE K20 is a high performance wash light, a breathtaking beam light, and a creator of completely new spectacular visual effects. Its unparalleled versatility makes it an extremely interesting creative tool for all lighting designers.
The B-EYE is first and foremost an excellent quality wash light. It is able to wash surfaces with colors at any distance, making the most of its light source. B-EYE is brighter than any LED-wash with the same rated power, thanks to its special optical unit with a truly amazing lumen/watt ratio, designed and built by Clay Paky. The zoom ranges from 4° to 60° and it is therefore suitable both for environments with low ceilings (small theatres and TV studios, for example), where large angles are extremely useful, and for shows in arenas or large environments, where a tight zoom is perfect.
When the B-EYE beam is zoomed down to 4°, the "wash" light turns into a "beam" fixture. The B-EYE therefore becomes a surprising mid-air parallel effect light, capable of generating a pulsating beam of micro-rays, which may be controlled individually, each with its own colors and shades. All the parameters of each LED can be completely controlled.
Lastly, the B-EYE K20 introduces a completely new feature: the front lens may be rotated to create lots of small bright compositions, which may be opened and closed like petals. By adding colors and dynamic graphics, the B-EYE generates never-seen-before graphic light effects.

• Source Type: RGBW LEDs
• LED Nominal Wattage: 15W
• Number of LEDs: 37
• Versatile, three operating modes: wash, beam, FX effect
• Unique optical system, featuring unmatched zoom range (4°-60°) and even light spread
• Individual LED control for each parameter
• Invisible front grid
• Beam edge softening control (in wash mode)
• Exclusive parallel beam consisting of an array of individually controllable micro-beams
• Enhanced electronic engine for dynamic beam pattern design, with digital accuracy and repeatability
• Art-Net / RDM
• Rotating front lens for countless vortex effects, for aerial or "kaleidoscopic" projection use
• White CT Emulation 2500-8000K
• RGB auto-tuning to lamp CT Emulation
• Tungsten Lamp Emulation...Perfect Wash, Amazing Beam, Spectacular Graphic Effects

The A.leda B-EYE K20 is a high performance wash light, a breathtaking beam light, and a creator of completely new spectacular visual effects. Its unparalleled versatility makes it an extremely interesting creative tool for all lighting designers.
The B-EYE is first and foremost an excellent quality wash light. It is able to wash surfaces with colors at any distance, making the most of its light source. B-EYE is brighter than any LED-wash with the same rated power, thanks to its special optical unit with a truly amazing lumen/watt ratio, designed and built by Clay Paky. The zoom ranges from 4° to 60° and it is therefore suitable both for environments with low ceilings (small theatres and TV studios, for example), where large angles are extremely useful, and for shows in arenas or large environments, where a tight zoom is perfect.
When the B-EYE beam is zoomed down to 4°, the "wash" light turns into a "beam" fixture. The B-EYE therefore becomes a surprising mid-air parallel effect light, capable of generating a pulsating beam of micro-rays, which may be controlled individually, each with its own colors and shades. All the parameters of each LED can be completely controlled.
Lastly, the B-EYE K20 introduces a completely new feature: the front lens may be rotated to create lots of small bright compositions, which may be opened and closed like petals. By adding colors and dynamic graphics, the B-EYE generates never-seen-before graphic light effects.

• Source Type: RGBW LEDs
• LED Nominal Wattage: 15W
• Number of LEDs: 37
• Versatile, three operating modes: wash, beam, FX effect
• Unique optical system, featuring unmatched zoom range (4°-60°) and even light spread
• Individual LED control for each parameter
• Invisible front grid
• Beam edge softening control (in wash mode)
• Exclusive parallel beam consisting of an array of individually controllable micro-beams
• Enhanced electronic engine for dynamic beam pattern design, with digital accuracy and repeatability
• Art-Net / RDM
• Rotating front lens for countless vortex effects, for aerial or "kaleidoscopic" projection use
• White CT Emulation 2500-8000K
• RGB auto-tuning to lamp CT Emulation
• Tungsten Lamp Emulation

LIGHT SOURCE TYPE 37 Osram Ostar RGBW LEDs LED Nominal Wattage: 15W LED Average Life: 50,000 h *It may vary depending on various factors, as type of use and environment OPTICS 4°-60° Electronic Zoom Range High efficiency optical system INPUT POWER 750 VA @230Vac - 50Hz CONTROL and CONNECTIONS Control channels: 21/35/111/148 Basic Engine (Standard and Shape Mode). Pixel Engine (RGB and RGBW Mode). DMX protocol signal: USITT DMX 512. Art-Net / RDM / sACN Display: Graphic LCD backlit b/w Display. Pan/Tilt Resolution: 16 bit. Dimmer Resolution: 16 bit. Movement control: vectorial. DMX signal connection: 3 and 5 pole XLR input and output. Software upload through DMX input ELECTRICAL Power Supply: 100-240V 50/60Hz 750 VA @230Vac - 50Hz Max Power consumption: 750 VA SAFETY SPECS Thermally protected power supply (overheating and cooling failure) Forced ventilation with axial fans