CLAYPAKY Rhapsodya
Rhapsodya od CLAYPAKY - prelomové, multispektrálne RGBAL LED svetlo s nízkou hlučnosťou starostlivo navrhnuté pre rôzne aplikácie ako turné, live podujatia, divadelná a televízna produkcia.
Riadené špeciálne vytvoreným, interne vyvinutým algoritmom firmvéru.
Ide o evolúciu Sinfonya, najmä pokiaľ ide o zameranie na kvalitu optiky a správu farieb a extrémne tichú prevádzku aj pri plnom výkone. Rhapsodya má ohromujúco elegantný a moderný nový dizajn produktu s dvojnásobným výkonom v porovnaní so Sinfonya.
Okrem inovatívnych funkcií spoločných so systémom Sinfonya ako je
• ACCUFRAMETM - rámovací systém využívajúci dvojité ohniskové roviny, dosahujúci ohromujúci 40-násobný nárast presnosti v porovnaní s konvenčnými rámovacími systémami
• TONEDOWNTM - zaisťuje veľmi tichú prevádzku len 27 dB
• absolútne ovládanie polohy pre pokročilé funkcie PAN & TILT
• LINEGUARD - nový frost systém využívajúci dva páry čepelí
Rhapsodya poskytuje technologickú podporu vďaka novým funkciám:
• AccuT...une presnú kontrolu nad viacfarebným LED motorom vďaka novému algoritmu pre živé a bohaté farby optimalizované pre javisko aj TV.
• COLORSTRING - samostatné ovládanie LED pre vysokú úroveň grafických a farebných efektov, ktoré umožňujú vytvárať zložité a dynamické svetelné displeje.
• špičkový proprietárnym optický systém, ktorý ponúka pôsobivý rozsah 6° až 60° zoomu.
Rhapsodya emerges as a groundbreaking, low-noise multi-spectral RGBAL LED fixture meticulously designed for various applications such as touring, live events, theatre, and TV production, and managed by a specially crafted, internally developed firmware algorithm.
It is an evolution of Sinfonya, particularly regarding the focus on quality of optics and color management, and the whisper-quiet operation even at full output. Rhapsodya has a stunning new product design that is sleek and modern, with a double power output compared to Sinfonya.
Besides the innovative features in common with Sinfonya, such as ACCUFRAMETM, a framing system employing dual focal planes, achieving an astounding 40-fold increase in precision when compared to conventional framing systems and TONEDOWNTM, which ensures whisper-quiet operation at just 27dB, Absolute Position control for advanced PAN & TILT capabilities, and LINEGUARD, a new frost system employing two pairs of blades, Rhapsodya gives a technological boost thanks to the new features: AccuTune a precise control over the multicolor LED engine thanks to a new algorithm for vibrant and rich colors optimized for both stage and TV.
COLORSTRING, is an individual LED control for a high level of graphics and color effects, empowering you to create intricate and dynamic lighting displays.
Furthermore, the fixture boasts a cutting-edge Proprietary Optical System, offering an impressive 6° to 60° Zoom range.
Rhapsodya is more than just a fixture; it’s your backstage partner, your on-air star, and your roadie’s dream. Explore its exceptional features and witness the future of lighting innovation.
• CRI: up to 95
• OUTPUT: 24,000 lm (in integrating sphere)
• COLOR CONTROL: R-G-B-A-L color control
• ZOOM : 6°- 60° motorized linear
• CTO: 2500K to 10000K virtual
• PROPRIETARY: high-efficiency, new optical system
• FRONT LENS: 170-millimeter diameter, with high-quality tempered glass lenses
• FRAMING SYSTEM - on 2 focal planes: 4 blades with +/- 60° rotation of the full system
• TOTAL CURTAIN: effect allowing the full blackout with each single blade
• COLORMATCH: calibration syncing for matching the color temperature to other fixtures
• COLORSTRING: individual LED stripe control
• ACCUFRAME™: 40 times more precise than traditional framing systems
• LINEGUARD: a new frost system using two pairs of blades instead of two individual ones
• HEAVY FROST: 5° for wash effect
• LIGHT FROST: 1° for soft diffusion (interchangeable)
• ABSOLUTE POSITION: for advanced Pan & Tilt Control
• TONEDOWN™: for a low noise operation (27dB at full output)