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Martin ERA 800 Profile

Martin ERA 800 Profile je perfektný produkcie veľkosti štadiónov. Dizajnovaný aby zaplnil rolu túrového, kompaktného, LED svetla na pohyblivej hlave zameranej na najvačšie pódiá, ERA 800 Profile prináša extrémne efektívne 800W 6500K LED svetlo, ktoré produkuje 34000 lumenov a dodáva ostú kvalitu obrazu. Ďalšie benefity zahŕňajú 1:8 zoom, elektronické stmievanie a stroboskop, CMY/CTO, clona pre nastavenie lúča a duálne otočné gobo kolesá plus dalšie statické koleso. Má taktiež veľa oblúbených gobo z Martin MAC sortimentu.

ERA 800 Profile
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Combining a fully-featured, cost-efficient and no-nonsense fixture, the Martin ERA 800 Profile is perfect for stadium-sized entertainment and rental productions. Designed to fulfill the demand for a tour-worthy, compact, LED profile moving head with enhanced gobo load-out aimed for the largest stages, the ERA 800 Profile bundles an extremely efficient 800 W, 6,500 K LED engine that produces a powerful 34,000 lumens and delivers sharp image projection with a flat field. Additional benefits include 1:8 zoom, electronic dimming and strobe, CMY/CTO, iris for beam adjustment and dual rotating gobo wheels plus an additional static wheel. It’s also loaded with user-favorite gobos from the renowned Martin MAC range that include a wide variety of effects, especially when combined with the included rotating prisms.
Bright 800 W / 6,500 K LED light source
34,000 lumen output
Crisp optics with flat field
1:8 fast zoom
Fat beam look with 160 mm front lens
CMY color mixing - vibrant color mixing with a superior palette of colors matching the MAC range
Linear CTO - daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette
6-slot color wheel - for added color choice and split color effects
12 rotating/indexing gobos - all renowned Martin glass gobos
7 static gobos for great morphing effects
Animation wheel with continuous bi-directional rotation
Iris – fast and tight iris
Two prisms - 4-facet and linear - rotation and index control for dynamic effects
Soft frost - a light frost leaves gobo artwork visible with a beautiful, soft edge
Heavy frost - for wash light effects
Compact and low weight design

Bright 800 W / 6,500 K LED light source
34,000 lumen output
Crisp optics with flat field
1:8 fast zoom
Fat beam look with 160 mm front lens
CMY color mixing - vibrant color mixing with a superior palette of colors matching the MAC range
Linear CTO - daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette
6-slot color wheel - for added color choice and split color effects
12 rotating/indexing gobos - all renowned Martin glass gobos
7 static gobos for great morphing effects
Animation wheel with continuous bi-directional rotation
Iris – fast and tight iris
Two prisms - 4-facet and linear - rotation and index control for dynamic effects
Soft frost - a light frost leaves gobo artwork visibl
e with a beautiful, soft edge
Heavy frost - for wash light effects
Compact and low weight design

Bright 800 W / 6,500 K LED light source
34,000 lumen output
Crisp optics with flat field
1:8 fast zoom
Fat beam look with 160 mm front lens
CMY color mixing - vibrant color mixing with a superior palette of colors matching the MAC range
Linear CTO - daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette
6-slot color wheel - for added color choice and split color effects
12 rotating/indexing gobos - all renowned Martin glass gobos
7 static gobos for great morphing effects
Animation wheel with continuous bi-directional rotation
Iris – fast and tight iris
Two prisms - 4-facet and linear - rotation and index control for dynamic effects
Soft frost - a light frost leaves gobo artwork visible with a beautiful, soft edge
Heavy frost - for wash light effects
Compact and low weight design
