DEFENDER EXA-TAPE BM 50 ERGO-CORE - Prémiová textilná páska ERGO s jadrom, čierna,matná, 50 mm x 50 m
Defender EXA-TAPE® bol vyvinutý výhradne s ohľadom na dnešné javiskové plochy, audio/video a potreby pracovísk.Možno ho odlepiť bez zanechania akýchkoľvek stôp.
Vysokokvalitná látková lepiaca páska EXA-TAPE® používa v profesionálnych aplikáciách. Ručne trhateľná páska sa dá ľahko a čisto odtrhnúť bez visiacich nití. Tajomstvom úspechu je tkanina z hodvábu. EXA-TAPE® je potiahnutá špeciálnym lepidlom z prírodného kaučuku a priľne takmer na všetky povrchy. Odstránenie bez zvyškov je možné aj napriek tomu, že páska je veľmi priľnavá.
Opätovne použiteľný ERGO-Core
ERGO-Core príde vhod pri častom používaní. Tento dávkovač funguje podobne ako guľôčkové ložisko a umožňuje hladkú aplikáciu pásky. Dávkovač ERGO-Core je vyrobený z dvoch vzájomne spojiteľných plastových dielov pre opakované použitie. Jednoducho sa vloží do objímky pásky a je tak univerzálne použiteľný. Európsky patent registrovaný 3564167 (v konaní).
EXA-TAPE® sa dodáva v rôznych farbách...: čierna matná, keď nechcete, aby sa odrážali reflektory, a čierna lesklá, strieborná lesklá a biela lesklá, keď chcete napríklad označiť alebo označiť dôležité pozície. .
Odstraňovanie bez zvyškov a ERGO-Core robia z EXA-TAPE® nepostrádateľného partnera na podujatiach a na pracoviskách!
![EXA-TAPE BM 50 ERGO-CORE - Prémiová textilná páska ERGO s jadrom, čierna,matná, 50 mm x 50 m](obr/03475962.jpg)
Mark, Protect and Fix
On the stage or video/photo shoot gaffer tape pitches in as a full-fledged member of the team, but after the gig it tends to leave an unsightly, sticky mess behind. Those days are gone now that the Defender EXA-TAPE® is here. It was developed entirely with today's stage, audio/video, and worksite needs in mind and can be peeled off without leaving any marks behind.
As a high-quality cloth adhesive tape or - as the experts say - "gaffer tape", EXA-TAPE® is used in professional applications. The hand-tearable tape can be easily and cleanly ripped off without any hanging threads. The secret to its success is spun rayon fabric. EXA-TAPE® is coated with a special natural rubber adhesive and sticks to nearly all surfaces. Residue-free removal is also possible despite the tape being very adhesive.
This is not only true of the tape's ability to stick to things and be cleanly removed, but also reflects our beliefs and ambitions to produce sustainable products and packaging. That's how packaging is held together without glue and made from recycled material.
Reusable ERGO-Core
The ERGO-Core comes in handy during frequent use. This dispenser works much like a ball bearing and allows tape to be applied smoothly. The ERGO-Core dispenser is made out of two inter-connectable plastic parts for repeated use. It is simply inserted into the tape sleeve and is thus universally usable. European Patent registered 3564167 (pending).
EXA-TAPE® comes in a variety of colors: in black matt for when you don't want spotlights to be reflected, and in black glossy, silver glossy, and white glossy for when you want to label or mark important positions, for example.
Residue-free removal and the ERGO-Core make the EXA-TAPE® an indispensable partner at events and on worksites!