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SELF CLIMBING HOIST (LD) 140 KG - samonavíjací lanový kladkostroj
BEZPEČNOSŤ: Kladkostroj „LD“ vyhovuje všetkým bezpečnostným normám stanoveným medzinárodne uznávanými testovacími orgánmi TÜV podľa nemeckých noriem a laboratórnych noriem UL. Tieto normy sú priamo spojené s bezpečnosťou závesných systémov namontovaných nad zhromaždením ľudí. Bezpečnostné prvky zabudované do kladkostroja „LD“ zahŕňajú statický samonosný motor so šnekovým prevodom s 2 nezávislými brzdami, ktoré sú normálne zapnuté a uvoľnené iba počas pohybu, aby sa zabránilo dynamickému spätnému navíjaniu. Štyri nezávislé ploché pásy z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, pričom sila pretrhnutia každého pásu je 948 kg pre verziu HD. K dispozícii sú štyri bezpečnostné mikrospínače, jeden pre hornú hranicu plus ďalší núdzový bezpečnostný spínač a jeden pre dolnú hranicu plus ďalší núdzový bezpečnostný spínač. Samošplhací kladkostroj „LD“ má detekciu preťaženia aj uvoľnenia lana na každom zdvíhacom páse.
– FLEXIBILITA: Je dostupný v štandard...ných dĺžkach do 3 metrov, ale na požiadanie sú k dispozícii aj dlhšie verzie. Je navrhnutý buď pre pevné pozície v televízii, na javisku alebo v architektonických aplikáciách, alebo ako zdvíhací systém s možnosťou premiestnenia do oblasti nastavenia pomocou dráh namontovaných na spodnej konštrukcii a po dĺžke štúdia a to buď manuálne alebo motorizovane. Pomocou systému Trackable Hoist System je možné kladkostroje nielen presunúť do nastavenej oblasti, ale možno ich aj nakloniť tak, aby sa prispôsobili uhlu pre lepšie polohy osvetlenia. K dispozícii je aj motorizované sledovanie.
– MECHANIKA: mechanická konštrukcia obsahuje špeciálny rám, ktorý zachováva jasné oddelenie medzi pohyblivými časťami (mechanické prvky v pohybe), ako sú pásy, navíjacie kotúče, preklápacie kladky, mechanizmy snímačov zaťaženia) a elektrické komponenty (elektrické rozvody, motorové rozvádzače, bezpečnostné mikrospínače, elektrické a dátové zásuvky, obmedzovač dojazdu). Oddelenie týchto prvkov umožňuje bezpečné vykonávanie postupov údržby a údržbu elektrických komponentov v čistom prostredí. Vďaka špeciálnemu systému riadenia káblov je manipulácia s okruhom bremena úhľadná a ľahko ovládateľná, keď sa zdvihák zdvíha alebo spúšťa.
– PREVÁDZKA: Je schopný zdvihnúť bezpečné pracovné zaťaženie (SWL) 140 kg plus vlastnú hmotnosť kladkostroja, ktorá je založená na prepravnej vzdialenosti a zahrnutých voliteľných funkciách. Maximálna dojazdová vzdialenosť je 15 metrov (to znamená, že stroj je možné v štandardnom prevedení inštalovať vo výškach 17,5 m), dlhšie vzdialenosti sú k dispozícii na požiadanie.
1. Pamäť ovládania polohy,vyvolanie polohy každého kladkostroja zaznamenaného v predvoľbe.
2. Rýchlosť a synchronizované skupinové riadenie len v kombinácii so systémom riadenia polohy.
3. DMX Up/Down a polohovacie ovládanie cez štandardný svetelný ovládač alebo akékoľvek DMX ovládanie pre špeciálne aplikácie
4. Kontrola skupiny HDC


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SAFETY: the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” complies with all safety standards set forth by the Internationally recognized testing authorities of TÜV to the German standards and by UL laboratories standards. These standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems mounted above an assembly of people. The safety features incorporated into the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” include, a static self sustaining worm-geared set motor with 2 independent brakes normally engaged and only released during motion, to prevent dynamic back winding. Four independent stainless steel flat bands, with the breaking force of each band being 948 kg for the HD version. There are four Safety Micro Switches, one for the top limit plus an extra emergency safety switch and one for the bottom limit, plus an extra emergency safety switch. The Self Climbing Hoist “LD” has both overload and slack line detection on each Lifting Band.
– FLEXIBILITY: the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” is available in standard lengths of up to 3 meters, but longer versions are available on request. It is designed for either fixed positions in Television, Stage or Architectural applications or as a Trackable Hoist System with the ability to be moved into the set area via a tracks mounted to the sub-structure and running the length of the studio, either manually or motorized. Because the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” overall assembly height is only 1 m. (it could be less, depending on vertical extensions) , it is ideal to reduce the occupancy of studio heights from the motorized rigging and it can also be used in contained ceiling heights. The SELF CLIMBING HOIST “LD” can travel up to 15 meters (longer drops are also possible on request), carry a wide combination of load circuits and retract to 1 meter. Using the Trackable Hoist System, not only can the hoists be moved into the set area but can also be angled to conform to the angle of the set pieces for improved lighting positions. Motorized... tracking is also available.
– MECHANICAL: the mechanical design of the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” incorporates a special frame that maintains a clear separation between the moving parts (mechanical elements in motion), like Bands, winding discs, diverter pulleys, load sensor mechanisms) and the electrical components (electrical wiring, motor switch-gears, safety micro switches, electrical and data sockets, travel limit device). The separation of these elements allows maintenance procedures to be performed safely and the electrical components maintained in a clean environment. The special cable management system makes the load circuit handling neat and easily managed when the hoist is raised or lowered.
– OPERATIONAL: the Self Climbing Hoist “LD” is capable of lifting a (SWL) safe working load of 140 kg plus the self-weight of the hoist which is based on the travel distance and the optional features included. The maximum travel distance is 15 meters (meaning that the machine can be installed in heights of 17,5 m. in its standard version), longer drops are available on request.
– OPTIONAL FEATURES: The De Sisti Self Climbing Hoist “LD” offers several unique optional features:
1. Positioning Control memorizes and recalls the position of each hoist recorded in preset.
2. Speed and synchronized Group Control only in combination with the Positioning Control system.
3. DMX Up/Down and Positioning Control via a standard lighting board or any DMX control, for special applications
4. HDC Group control

SAFETY: The Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” complies with all safety standards set forth by the Internationally recognized testing authorities of TÜV to the German standards and by UL laboratories standards. These standards are directly associated with the safety of suspension systems mounted above an assembly of people. The safety features incorporated into the Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” include, a static self sustaining worm-geared set motor with 2 independent brakes normally engaged and only released during motion, to prevent dynamic back winding. Four independent stainless steel flat bands, with the braking force of each band being 948 kg for the HD version. There are four Safety Micro Switches, one for the top limit plus an extra emergency safety switch and one for the bottom limit, plus an extra emergency safety switch. The Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” has both overload and slack line detection on each Lifting Band.
– FLEXIBILITY: the Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” is available in standard lengths of up to 3 meters, but longer versions are available on request. It is designed for either fixed positions in Television, Stage or Architectural applications or as a Trackable Hoist System with the ability to be moved into the set area via a tracks mounted to the sub-structure and running the length of the studio, either manually or motorized. Because the Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” overall assembly height is only 1 m. (it could be less, depending on vertical extensions) , it is ideal to reduce the occupancy of studio heights from the motorized rigging and it can also be used in contained ceiling heights. The Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” can travel up to 15 meters (longer drops are also possible on request), carry a wide combination of load circuits and retract to 1 meter. Using the Trackable Hoist System, not only can the hoists be moved into the set area but can also be angled to conform to the angle of the set pieces for improved lighting positions. Motorized tracking is also available.
– MECHANICAL: the mechanical design of the Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” incorporates a special frame that maintains a clear separation between the moving parts (mechanical elements in motion), like Bands, winding discs, diverter pulleys, load sensor mechanisms) and the electrical components (electrical wiring, motor switch-gears, safety micro switches, electrical and data sockets, travel limit device). The separation of these elements allows maintenance procedures to be performed safely and the electrical components maintained in a clean environment. The special cable management system makes the load circuit handling neat and easilymanaged when the hoist is raised or lowered.
– OPERATIONAL: The Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” is capable of lifting an (SWL) safe working load of 210 kg plus the self-weight of the hoist which is based on the travel distance and the optional features included. The maximum travel distance is 15 meters (meaning that the machine can be installed in heights of 17,5 m. in its standard version), and longer drops are available on request.
– OPTIONAL FEATURES: The De Sisti Self Climbing Hoist “EHD” offers several unique optional features:
1. Positioning Control memorizes and recalls the position of each hoist recorded in the preset.
2. Speed and synchronized Group Control only in combination with the Positioning Control system.
3. DMX Up/Down and Positioning Control via a standard lighting board or any DMX control, for special applications